Monday, October 14, 2013

Madison, WI Barn Wedding: Heidi + Shawn

Oh, how do I begin...first off, Heidi Johnson is a wonderful friend who also happens to be the lovely bride in these photos as well as one of my favorite photographers in the entire world. Many of the weddings I have photographed throughout the years have been contributed by her and her wonderful second shooting. THEN she turns out to be one of the most beautiful brides I have EVER seen. The wedding was held at Lake Farms Lussier Family Heritage Center. We were catered in by Cranberry Creek and had all the amazing decorations by Sara Meredith.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Eva and Locklan

Here is a link to the latest barn wedding from Poinette, WI.  The Barn at Harvest Moon Pond is an amazing venue and I just wanted to show this movie I made from Eva and Locklan's September 14th Wedding.

Click this Link:
Eva and Locklan
